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NJP Regionals

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More Than a Competition

NJP brings together Juniors ages 8-18 from diverse backgrounds and regions, fostering a vibrant community of young athletes passionate about pickleball. But NJP is not just about competition; it’s about inclusivity and opportunity.

At the heart of NJP’s mission is the belief that every junior player deserves a chance to compete against peers of similar age and skill level. Whether it’s your first tournament or you’re a seasoned competitor, NJP guarantees an unforgettable experience filled with camaraderie, competition, and plenty of pickleball action.

Pickleball tournaments for juniors/kids
All-Inclusive Registration for Pickleball Tournaments

All-Inclusive Registration

One flat fee includes everything: a Skills Clinic and evaluation evening, Singles Competition, Doubles Competition, and a Four-Player Team Competition. 

Players may withdraw from any event they cannot participate in, but we HIGHLY encourage attendance at all events to benefit from the tournament weekend.

Age & Skill Divisions

Age Divisions: 8-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-18

Skill Levels: Beginner (0-2.49 DUPR), Intermediate (2.5-3.49 DUPR), Advanced (Ages 12U 3.5+ DUPR, Ages 13+ 4.0+ DUPR)

Compete against players of a similar age and stage! Every competition features Round-Robin pool play, followed by playoffs.

This guarantees lots of games and playtime. By the end of the weekend, every Junior will have had challenging matches to help them grow and successes to build their confidence.

Swag Bag, T-shirt & More!

Every player receives a swag bag from sponsors & supporters, plus a cool NJP t-shirt.

NJP also provides medals, prizes, and extra court time for Juniors & families to play and socialize.

No pickleball tournament partner? No problem! We can match you up with a player.

No Partner? No Problem!

NJP events are designed to allow players to meet and get to know each other before committing to a partnership or team.

Players can sign up for the tournament with or without a doubles partner or team, but will meet and play with others on Thursday and Friday, then notify the tournament director once a mutual partnership/team has been formed.

Find Friends & Community

NJP is more than a competition- it’s a chance to connect with other like-minded Juniors & pickleball families.

Many Juniors feel like they’re “the only kid playing pickleball, and mostly against adults.”

Still, NJP creates an environment for families to interact and develop friendships that last well beyond the event.

Find Friends & Community in the Pickleball Tournaments

In Their Own Words

“NJP does a great job encouraging Juniors! My 8 year old boy lead the Team. I saw a new version of him as a captain. He took tough roles and negotiated well with other players on their line up. I believe this leadership experience will help him long term. My other 2 daughters want to play pickleball now too. I am witnessing live how NJP is growing pickleball.”
"My girls played in their very first tournament and had the greatest time learning and growing with friends their age. It was awesome to see these girlies improve over just a couple days of play. This weekend definitely sparked a new love and focus for them to make pickleball training a priority alongside the other sports they play. To say we're excited for what's ahead in an understatement."
Mother of AnaLia (10), Avei (9), and Lesila (8)
“NJP tournaments have been highlights of the year for our entire family. The Junior pickleball community is small but mighty, and we’ve had a blast connecting with other Athletic families… in addition to the tough competition on the courts, we’ve created long lasting memories & friendships.”
Gabi M
mother of Maverick (12) and Mila (11)
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